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TallyPrime APMC (Soyabeen Trader)
Price:- 18000 + 18% GST = Rs 21240

(*Scroll down for more types of tally softwares)

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TallyPrime School and College Module
  • Standard/Branch Creation Branch wise/ Academic Year wise Fees Structure Setup.
  • Student Info Creation in which user can maintain Student.
  • Multi Student Year Change/ Single Student Branch Change
  • Multi Students Fees Debit Printing Bonafide and Leaving Certificate

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TallyPrime Petrol Pump Module
  • Inventory Management
  • Tankwise, nozlewise stock Report
  • Cashwise, Managerwise Summery
  • Ledger, Group Summery
  • T form day book

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TallyPrime Krushi Module
  • Customized invoice format.
  • Auto cash entry for cash receipt
  • Customized Report Z P Report, Batch expiry Report
  • Gatepass report, check selling rate on one click
  • T form DayBook

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TallyPrime Jewellery Shop With QR Code
  • Order Booking Module
  • Generation of Sales Bill
  • Manage Making Charges, Stock, GST, Printing, Old Gold Purchase in Sales
  • Auto Receipt After Sales, After Purchase
  • T form DayBook

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TallyPrime Garment Shop Module
  • Auto Generate Barcode or QR Code
  • Maintain Parameter wise Stock Item
  • Customized Invoice Format
  • Quick and Fast Sale Entry
  • User wise security control

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TallyPrime Hospital Mangement Module
  • Manage Hospital Accounting
  • Doctor Remuneration Management
  • Bed Occupancy Management
  • OPD and IPD bill collection Register
  • Admit and discharge Summery reports with printing option

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TallyPrime Solvent Plant Module
  • Purchase Contract, Weight bridge, Unload, Sales, Broker, Farmer Purchase Register, RTGS Report
  • Freight Details in Customization in sales Entry , Broker Module: , Purchase and Sales Brokerage Calculation
  • Security, Authentication, BackUP, Lab Testing, Payment Advice (Printing)
  • Sales Process: ,Sales Contract Entry , Delivery Note Entry , Weighbridge Entry (Auto Weight Set) , Godown Outward Entry, Sales Invoice
  • Purchase Process: ,Purchase Contract Entry ,Receipt Note Entry ,Weighbridge Entry (Link with Software Auto Weight Set) ,Material Unload Entry (Godown Inward)